We all need to belong.

Being connected to others is critical to our well-being. When we belong, we feel like we are a part of our communities, that we matter, and that people care about us.

We believe in the power of adding our individual names to a collective vision. The Belonging Compact is a living document that calls us to action and serves as a visual reminder that even with our differences, we are better together than apart. Individuals and organizations that sign the compact make a public commitment to further the practices and values of belonging in their communities.


We are more alike than we are different. To see each other as fully human is an inherent value to belonging. We should never deny the right for any individual to exist, as we know that a community for all is better than a community for some.


Love in action is what we seek. It requires an abundance mindset to share our resources. We fear to show love when we directly compete against one another


Justice demands that we make things right. We must imagine a tomorrow where things are better for all. We recognize that inequity is both structural and personal, and that both compel us to act.

The four practices are what belonging looks like in action. Each of these practices can be used to create and maintain belonging within relationships, institutions and structures.


When we share our own stories and actively listen to the stories of others, we are building our muscle for belonging in the most powerful way. Sharing stories involves leaning into discomfort and being curious about each other. We must practice weaving our stories together so that we can shift the narrative towards finding common ground and moving toward transformational change.


The definition of an advocate is someone who lends their support, usually publicly. Advocacy is another great practice in building belonging. When we advocate for others, we are working towards building common ground and accessibility for all.


Building community means building it brick by brick. Acts of kindness, passing on wisdom, showing compassion towards one another, and seeking diverse viewpoints are all important in building a beloved community. Communication and facilitation are key skills needed in building and maintaining relationships with one another.


The work of belonging needs to include a commitment to self-work. We must be willing to spend time examining ourselves for assumptions and tendencies so that we can be more intentional and adaptive.

We issue the following invitation to our private and public institutions, communities, and all individuals who wish to show support for The Greater Seattle Compact for Belonging.


  • Those who embrace and commit to our collective values to sign this compact and work toward operationalizing its values.

  • Every person to hold themselves and our communities accountable to these values.

  • Our government officials, private businesses, and social leaders to embrace these values in public and private spaces and to actively defend these values.

  • Communities to discuss this compact with their neighbors, coworkers, and local neighborhoods to explore ways of putting these values into practice.

YES, add my name to the Greater Seattle Compact for Belonging.


Become a Belonging Ambassador

The Belonging Ambassadors help socialize the Compact for Belonging with their networks. We meet once a month to share stories and swap ideas for building belonging in our communities.