Frequently Asked Questions

  • To belong is to see each other as fully human and to value one another despite our differences and shortcomings. When individuals feel as though they belong, they are able to show up as the full, authentic versions of themselves.

    Belonging leads to healthier families, workplaces and communities. It is a cornerstone of our democracy and an antidote to isolation, loneliness and division

  • The Compact for Belonging is an online document that individuals and organizations can sign digitally. By adding your name to the compact, you are making a public commitment to work to increase belonging in your personal and professional life.

    When you visit, you can navigate to a form that enables you to sign the compact. You can also explore the values and practices behind belonging, watch videos where community leaders discuss what belonging means to them, and access resources to help you in your belonging journey.

  • We invite individuals, companies and organizations of all kinds to review the compact and consider signing on. Geographically, we are focused on the Greater Seattle-Tacoma region of Western Washington.

Ready to add your name to the Compact for Belonging?